A touch of fae

By OndineBlue

Bird on a wire

A fledgling Swallow to be precise. There are 4 of them and they often sit on our power line waiting for mum and dad to feed them. They are starting to learn how to catch their own meals but they haven't really got the hang of it just yet.

As for me? Well I feel like I am precariously balancing on a wire at the moment and a lot less sure-footed than the swallows. Right now I am waiting for the dates for all my test appointments. That's almost the worst part of having cancer - the waiting. Waiting for tests, consultations, results, treatment. Sometimes you feel like you spend all your time in the waiting room!

We are still having internet problems which is making it seriously hard to post regularly at the moment. I have a few back blips that I'll upload later on.

Thanks for all the kind messages everyone! xx

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