Friday Foto

By drmackem


Lovely early morning run before it was too hot, nice view from the hill across the bay.

Finished a book today, I love reading but have a preference for bleak, miserable stories that have at times left me a bit miserable myself on holiday. So I chose a few lighter for this one. Today's read was an Alan Bennett book about the queen taking up reading, so Alan Bennett, so warm and clarifying and funny. Made me think too about if i am too often a spectator.

We made it onto the water at last for a trip to one of the lslands, and arranged some windsurfing tomorrow and a late night fishing trip too.

A lovely golden tinge to the evening.

Benji has the fire pit going and the food ready to put on it, playing Foo Fighters on the iPod. I will follow up the meal with "can Dad get on the lilo in the pool?" Matt is selling tickets to the neighbours.

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