Mono Monday: Light

Well, I'm reliably informed by blip that that makes it 2 years!

And I celebrated by initially screwing up today's blip. Not only did I hit "publish" prematurely... it was only when I'd published it that I realised the "700" I'd painstakingly edited into the bulb's label (it originally read "001") should of course have been "730"! Argghhh!

So after a hurried re-edit, here's the proper one.
And, as Greg just pointed out, I still managed to get it wrong!! Well, the 3 looked the right way round to me - I guess I may be dyslexic with digits...

The friendships I've made here over the last two years mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for your encouragement, support, patience with my tardy and patchy commenting, and downright niceness!

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