Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Kilda and her toys

nteresting day with storm Henry arriving. During the day we noticed some crack appearing in the roof of the office. The bridge was shut and then re-opened and it was a day for staying inside.
The fire people called to say the adhesive for the tiles wouldn’t be in on Tuesday and could they come another day. They are now coming on Wednesday and the carpet people have been moved till next week Looking forward to getting the flat back when all this has finished.
Kilda went on the Bark and Ride this morning. She got very excited when the woman arrived as she recognised her from day care. I had just arrived home and noticed Nir and Kilda walking down the road. She was very pleased to see me and was very good in the van apparently.

We are selling some stuff as a result of the work we have done. Someone was meant to be coming around to see the wardrobe doors but they haven’t shown so far. This week’s theme is toys so a bit of a banker of Kilda with all her toys. J put then in her bed as the cleaner was here today.

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