Mono Monday: Week 106 .......

Lux ( or light).

The light was definitely NOT in my favor today as the day has been overcast and dreary as best.  Rain is forecast for later. 

First thing this morning I played around with the in-camera "slow rear" flash taking pictures of Simba.  That didn't work like I thought it would. 

Then I set the camera outside using the same "slow rear" flash settings ... there was too much light for that! 

I then decided to throw in the towel and just take a regular picture opting to use Photoshop to process.  The picture above has been converted to infrared. Film is usually sensitive to visible light, so an infrared-passing filter is used; this lets infrared (IR) light pass through to the camera, but blocks all or most of the visible light spectrum.

I processed the extra in Topaz using a chiaroscuro filter, which is the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.  I couldn't decide which one I liked best! Which do you like best?

In other stupid news:  I bruised my ribs yesterday doing something stupid!  I tell you this because I still have to process my pictures from yesterday and back blip them.  I will have several extras as we went to Winter Fest at Blue Mountain Ski Resort. And, no, I wasn't skiing when I bruised my ribs! Unfortunately, the way I sit on the couch with my laptop to process pictures is not helping the ribs so yesterday's pictures will have to wait. 

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