A long Day

We had loaded the car two days ago with 'P's' 7 1/4 ins steam engine which he is bringing down to Cornwall, with the boiler that will be going to fit on to it. 

They are both very heavy things, so two of 'P's friends had helped put them in to my estate car. One of them said, we should take the spare, space saver, wheel out of the well of the car and have it in the car, incase we had a puncture, this we did. 

We had started out early this morning at 7.30am to travel down to Cornwall, which is 259 mile run, when after a 1/2 an hour along the road we had a puncture. So we call the car service man. He came in 30mins. The first thing he ask me for was the key for the locking nut for the wheel. It was then I realised I had the locking nut in the well of the car, which meant we could not get to it because the engine and boiler were on top of the well. 

We had to wait another 3/4 of an hour for the pick up to came to take us to the garage where several men help to lift the engine and boiler to get the locking nut out of the well. 

Then there was another 3/4 of an hours wait for them to be able to fit the new tyre. 
We arrived home at 5.30pm, instead of about 2.00ish.

The moral of the story is always leave your locking nut key in the glove compartment where you can always get hold of it.  

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