Journey Through Time

By Sue

My Photo!!

Portland Ketchup Company uses images that people submit on their labels.  At the store, there will be 12 bottles, and you might see 6 or 7 different images on the label, so they use several at a time.  I had submitted a few photos, for fun, sometime back and never heard another word from them.  So imagine my complete surprise when I found this at my store today!  I don't usually buy this ketchup as it's expensive, but it is very good.  I decided to splurge and picked up this bottle which was at the front.  There was a lady standing right next to me, and I said, Oh, I took a photo just like this, then turned the bottle around and nearly fainted when I saw my name.  That's in the Extra Photos. I would have bought another bottle, but this was the only one with my picture on it.  Well, made my day, I can tell you that.  No money, only the priceless joy and surprise of seeing your very own image on the label of a ketchup bottle.  As one of our Blip Buddies and a FB friend, Emy, said, :"Today condiments, tomorrow the world!  Or maybe mayo."  

Hey, at least this blip isn't another bird. ;)

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