The second half of life..

By twigs

Icy window

At the cruising altitude of too many thousands of feet, the wee screen kept telling me it was a cool outside........-72*C was the coolest I saw it display.  Brass monkeys and all that.

I guess it shouldn't be surprising to see the moisure drops clinging to the window as ice crystals.  Made a nice abstract, especially with the sun rise teasing us on the horizon too.

Almost home - just one more flight.........and on this flight I found myself sitting alongside Emory Clark, a 1964 Olympic gold medallist from the USA's coxed 8 crew.  He told some wonderful stories about training back in his day and of other athletes he encountered there fighting (Joe Frazier.......boxing) with a broken hand.  A really easy guy to listen to so the journey seemed to quite literally, fly by.

Home.  Relief.  Resisted the urge to sleep until it was truly bed time.


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