Staircase Locks, Marsworth

First of all thanks very much for all of your kind comments. I'm pleased to say that my 3 day migraine had gone when I woke this morning so I thought today might be a good day for one Richard's Epic Wanders.

C had already said that she was going for some threading & a massage at 1400hrs & so I dropped her there before driving to Startops End Reservoir Car Park at Marsworth. It was my lucky day the ticket machine was out of action so I parked free along with lots of others. From here I walked the short distance to Marsworth Junction which is where The Grand Union Canal junctions with the Aylesbury Arm. An intereseting place & interesting also to see the Staircase locks which are the first locks on the Aylesbury Arm. A staircase canal lock is where the middle gate joins the top and bottom locks. This type of canal lock is unique on the Grand Union Canal's Southern Waterway. So the first step down towards Aylesbury is quite a steep step too. I took this picture from the Watery Lane Bridge. One of my extras is looking further towards Aylesbury again taken from Watery Lane and you can see the descent quite clearly.

Having wandered back to the car & chatting to a couple of locals walking their dogs en route I then had a look at Startops End Reservoir. A very pretty view from the bank because as I got to the top the sun went behind a cloud & the shot was asking to be taken - see further extra. I still had an hour before I had to be back in Aylesbury to pick up C & so I drove to Cooks Wharf. Its a small village built around several canal wharves where there were literally 100 narrow boats parked up & occupied. Whilst here I had a clear view of Cheddington Iron Age Hillfort & so that is also an extra. I was back at the salon by 1600 and waited a few minutes before she was ready.

Home now & to a casserole in the slow cooker - bubbling away in the garage. We tend to put it in the garage to cook so it doesn't stink out the house. Another hour & it will be done.

Glad someone noticed my mistake yesterday calling the Orchid a Lily & thanks so much for all the stars & hearts too. 

It been sunny dry day with a cooling breeze. All in all a lovely day.

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