Political Meeting

Jonas Sjöstedt, the leader of the Left Party was in Härnösand last night, invited by the local party. The meeting was in the library where I work.
That very morning we’d heard him saying very sensible things about reducing the subsidies given to wealthy people buying expensive houses and using the money to finance the building of properties ordinary people could afford. (I think that last sentence shows where my politics lie!)
So we went to listen to him in person. He was impressive, first speaking for an hour or so without any notes, and then answering a lot of questions from the audience. He won a few points for pointing out at one stage that the last 4 questions had all been from guys and perhaps the next question should be from a woman!
  It was one of the few meetings I’ve been at where all age groups were represented and it was great to see so many young people taking an interest in politics. As you see here he stayed behind and talked directly to several groups, including these young people.
I was impressed by the man, and his politics.

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