tempus fugit

By ceridwen

No, it's not that one

It was a cold afternoon but with many signs of spring: frog spawn, lambs, wild garlic shoots...
I sat under a tree and these two sheep quickly came to check me out. They looked intently at my face and then returned to their small flock.
"No, that's not the two-leg that brings our hay" I fancied they reported,""That's another one we don't recognize".

My blip on facial recognition last week reminded me that a scientific study revealed that sheep can recognize up to 50  sheep faces and about 10 familiar human faces. The ability is more pronounced in mature sheep - lambs can't even recognize their own mothers' faces. These two appeared to be taking the task very seriously.

I love anything that involves positive interaction between humans and other animals. In the news today is this Dutch police initiative using eagles to take out drones that are operating illegally. You only need to watch the first 20 seconds of the (2nd) video clip to see the absolute confidence with which the bird captures and disables the machine. It gives me a thrill each time I see it.

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