Oh dear!

Pearl simply can't make up her mind. To ascend or not to ascend... To freak out or to relax and enjoy the novelty (See the extra for the opposite reaction.). 

I am also a bit undecided about life's choices. I am tired of the sciatic pain, which continues to plague me day after day. I have been trying to cope with it in natural ways: stretches and exercises, moderate walks, limiting my standing or sitting times, frequent lie downs with a pillow under the knee. And it has been some better. 

Yesterday I went for a massage, and had my hopes renewed. Gentle Elizabeth was kind and thorough in her touch. She kept things fairly light as I had asked her to. It was a lovely hour; the old body felt so grateful. I truly let go... So please... Someone tell me why my whole body aches today. Why has my sciatica returned with a vengeance? Will tomorrow be better? Or will I have to again contemplate the cortisone shot in my spine which my doctor recommends?

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