Little Tigerlily in a cute playful mood. She has been very vocal today crying and wanting to play. Also being a fusspot with regards to food. I was waiting for a Sainsbury's delivery which I had done online and which included loads of cat food but it wasn't due till this afternoon. Until the delivery arrived I did have a few pouches in the cupboard which Valentino was glad to eat but little Miss Fussy wouldn't touch anything I put down. Luckily the Sainsbury's stuff which came this afternoon met with her approval. By the way they both enjoyed the M & S food I bought on Saturday. There are some cheap ones they like as well - especially Wilkinsons. I have started writing a list of what they do and don't like as I don't want to keep buying stuff they don't like.

Neil arrived home safely from his long weekend trip to London. He had a great time - so great that he wants to move there!!!!!!!

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