This is a male red-bellied woodpecker and Yard Bird # 20 for me on my photographic list for 2016. These medium sized woodpeckers are abundant throughout the eastern United states and area easy to attract to bird feeders, making them a common backyard bird. This certainly hasn't been my first opportunity to blip one this year, but I needed a relatively easy choice today since it's pouring rain by the bucket loads and I wanted to stay inside where it is dry and warm. Consequently, this was taken through the living room window, and at ISO 3200 - it will NOT hold up to close scrutiny!
I didn't see much of our local pair of red-bellies this fall, which I attribute to the huge acorn yield this year. Once the ground started to freeze, both this male and his mate started showing up regularly for suet, cracked corn, and sunflower seeds. It's always a treat to see them and they usually arrive with a fair amount of fanfare, including their loud "chur-chur-chur". They are the only backyard bird that the blue jays give way to, making them the king (and queen) of the feeders.
Thanks for the many lovely comments, hearts and stars the past few days. I'm sorry I'm a bit spotty on responses at the moment, but I do try to get around and see what you've all been up to.
Great news from BlipFuture as the plan to buy back Blipfoto moves forward. This is one of the first times I've actually been happy to see charges hit my bank account!
Happy Hump Day, people.
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