Desperate need

This is Aylesford and we've been here before. I've blipped it in 2010 and 2011. I'd link to those blips but for some reason it isn't working this evening; I've not got the formatting toolbar at all. In looking back for these blips I found that there are lots of blips tagged "Aylesford" which is nice because it means that you can go and find some far better shots to check out the village :-)

I took this because I felt a desperate need............. it was for chocolate brazils which meant going to Sainsbury's which meant that I could nip round here for some blippage.

Busy day with shades of Apollo 13 tinged with West Side Story (the film from which Shakespeare got the idea for his play about Romeo and Juliet). But I think I've almost brought the good ship Wednesday to port and, like a deus ex machina, the day will be resolved.

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