Glamour of travel

Up at 6 this morning to get to the airport for my second trip to Malvern. The flight was delayed by weather with the knock on effect that I missed my connection to Philadelphia.

Five glorious hours in Heathrow later with an 8 and a half hour flight to look forward to. Still, that have me plenty of time to work ;).

I got through immigration ok to find that my car rental company was the furthest away, with the least frequent buses. And when I got my Chevrolet I still had a long, icy drive.

But there was worse to come. Somehow the screen door at my Airbnb was locked. And the bell was broken. I banged on the door, phoned my host (without getting through) and finally, in sheer desperation, managed to break the handle off.

Eventually I woke a neighbour, who raised my host, who let me in, but by then it was after 11 EST (ie 4 am). I was out like a light, but awoke with a start less than 4 hours later.

Glamour? My arse.

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