Golden Light
Up before the birds and heading out of town in darkness. The sky in the east was vibrant orange with twinkling stars above, it was warm, ever so warm. The first time in a few months I had been to the beach and it was the same for fellow blipper mpp26, it was wonderful to be able to share this moment with a friend.
The grasses had dew drops just hanging on the tips as we walked through the estuary, waves were rolling up the beach (yes, I could hear them), cries from gulls and oyster catchers shrieked above the waves and as the sun rose terns and geese could be heard. Both M and I were in our element. The camera's were going non-stop, reflections, sunrise, waves, shells, ripples, sand dunes and of course birds. It was like we had both been let out of school early and we were going like the clappers with a pause or two or savour the beauty.
As we strolled up the beach it was this view behind which startled me, the light bright and golden reflecting the trees in the wet sand, just after the sun broke through the horizon which was 6.30am, it was at this moment I remembered how fortunate I am to live so close to the coast.
At the river mouth we found the terns, adults with juveniles and in good numbers. Also along from them were a group of junvenile spotted shags enjoying the sun as they stood on the edge of the Ashley River. We wandered into the estuary where spoonbills, godwits, pied stilts, banded dotterels were all feeding. There were three new comers to the estuary which was really exciting, called Turnstone. They are a tiny wader which turns stones over as they look for food, fascinating to watch. They are a common arctic migrant which are not normally seen at the Ashley Estuary, but wonderful to have them stop by this morning for a photo shoot. It really brought it home to me how a longer lens would be a great addition to my kit, I've put up a very poor extra of them but will give you the general idea of these striking stout waders.
Also as an extra is the view over Mount Grey as the sun rose behind us, the clouds were so soft against the pale pink sky, while out at sea it was the complete opposite, vibrant orange everywhere.
Thanks M for a wonderful morning, we had fun and got some great shots :)
Happy Thursday everyone :)
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