3 Random Bob Challenge: Tangled

Been a day of allsorts. A spin up the hill with the dogs, a rare hour to indulge in messaging friends, a short work shift, and another walk at Evie beach with My Love. I dropped him and the woofers back at home then zoomed off to see EJ who is resting at home after surgery. In an effort to add to her relaxation I gave her some reflexology in the hope it would wipe her out and make her adhere to the sofa for a little longer. I also gave her hoss, Billy a quick groom...in the hope she won't be out there anytime soon trying to do the same. She's not great at taking things easy.

Luckily I had this bit of seaweed from yesterday's blip - I love how kelp roots to the surface of stones.

Now home for haggis lasagne and garlic bread before a trip to the cinema to see '45 Years'.

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