Elf and safety!

The talk at school today was of  one of the TA's appearance on the BBC local news with the Duchess. How she got in the frame we don't know but she got some ribbing for it!  

I had the adult sewers this afternoon, which really needs to end as I get so few adults come along. I don't know if it is because our main aim is to sew things for school, although I have said they can try other things, or they are just not that interested, I am not sure what it is. Nonetheless I think my skills could be put to better use than sitting with one lady. I will have to discuss this with the powers that be.

I wanted to blip the city hospital site as it has changed so much, and there is metal work up for a new building. I stopped on the way home and saw the front of the memorial wing still standing - just. It is only the front that is protected. When I last blipped it, the whole building was still there.  I nipped into the  building site carpark to take a picture only to be told that they were not insured for me to do that.  So I left and took a picture through the little peep hole, hence the lines of the wire mesh. 

Its an amazing bit of engineering propping up that wall!

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