CD Wallet

More and more I admire the dedicated types who have posted 500 or more blips - especially if they've done them consecutively. My imagination lurches about spasmodically at best. It can go completely to sleep for weeks at a time only to burst forth in a fever of invention which might see me produce a dozen or more fantastic pictures in a single day - pant pant. Oh heck, I can only use ONE of those. Bummer!

I started to tackle this journal seriously when it finally occurred to me that the daily grind might help regulate my creativity - teach me to SEE as I had never learned to do before ............... ain't happened yet.

As usual my impatience rules all. "Ahhh grasshopper ... journey of a thousand miles begin with first step .... om .... om ..." Oh for pity's sake. ALL RIGHT already!

Some day though, I shall become an authentic blipmaster (sigh) .... complete with serene smiles, beatific beams, total wisdom and ENDLESS ideas ... sort of like Trisharooni and Cymbeline. Why, with any luck it should all come together by this time ..... oooh .... next Wednesday - THEN watch me fly. Yeah.

Aaaaanway. For now, I couldn't think of what to shoot until I dug out the car CD wallet for fresh music. As I DO have especially handsome fingers, I thought ... why not?

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