Vacant Seating

It seems that I can't stay away from the seaside when this morning I had a coffee assignation with Joppa Strand and Tiggy at their abode in leafy Joppa. This time I rode the no 45 bus as it goes door to door with an intimate tour of points between.
His Lordship was also invited but graciously declined because of a previous engagement.

Being a minute or two early, I managed a wander down to the sea and found the prom uncharacteristically empty of people even though the weather was not at all inclement.
These forlorn empty benches looked out over a calm grey sea which merged seamlessly with the grey landscape and grey sky.

Our meeting over coffee was anything but grey and we had a fine catch up on all things musical, educational and blip worthy, while I broke my post Christmas denial of carb loaded goodies by enjoying some lovely tea Brack.
Thank you JoppaStrand and Tiggy for a most enjoyable morning.

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