Simple Tulips

A massive thankyou and a huge smile to you all for your generous blipday gifts - my Oak at sunset is on page 1 of popular - none of my blips have been there before - what a super blipday present!  Yipee!  

Today I've gone for some simple tulips for Flower Friday. I had fun comparing the little TG-4 and the E-M10 (both Olympus) and various aperture settings. Interestingly, on auto I could barely tell the difference between the two cameras. I also learned that on AP I originally had my ISO too low, so it was a good learning experience too. That and that the flash wasn't necessary at all.

Peter and I had a stroll in Henry Wood and Birchall Wood this morning, which was pleasant but nothing blip worthy grabbed me there on this grey day. Luckily I was far more inspired by these bright tulips.

It's Philosophy Friday:
You will be happier if you let the simple things in life put a smile on your face.

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