One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

2016 Vote for Me Me Me National Portrait Awards

It’s the same every couple of years. The Big Electoral Portrait Awards.
I have always found it highly irritating.

Until this year.

Now that my Richard is up, I am totally biased.
See, for the last 23 years, I haven’t had a vote. Not that I feel less empowered. None of us get to vote for the real decision makers.
But this year, I got a chance to vote. I called into Richard’s office a few months ago. I offered to take his photograph for free, no strings attached.

I don’t agree with all of he has to say. But he has in his days kicked a few inconvenient hornets’ nests. Which needed kicking, in a nation of tepid, obedient, mildly corrupt, boys-club politics.

His heart is in the right place. Despite all the grand ideas, his hands would be tied behind his back if he ever got to be in government. Which I doubt he ever will.
He will always be an opposition TD. And he is good at it.
His heart is in the right place.

And my photo is all over town.

It’s getting more exposure than a Becquerel party in Chernobyl. 
I’m chuffed. 

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