Winter Light

The grass was white with frost again this morning, the muddy path blessedly frozen again, and the small water filled ditches in the sheep meadows were covered with a thin layer of ice. We like it much better this way! The sun was also out, which is always nice. I did my usual rock jumping routine and got to run around as I pleased as long as I kept an eye on mum and came back when called.

We met a new dog. Mum thinks he might be a Tibetan spaniel, but she is not 100%. Mum always forgets to take pictures when we meet dogs, or one of our blip friends could have told us. His name was Oskar and he was seven. We said hello and played a little, and that was that.

We had coffee and meatball and grandma and grandpa's. Mum did some computer related work for them. I sat on grandma's lap and supervised. They are always so happy to see me!

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