Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

A Taste of Honey

I spotted this bee last night when I was trying for a blip. He was hanging under a thistle leaf not moving - I thought it was dead.

I have a day off today and noticed that the bee was still there, but had moved. Wondering if it would respond I touched it with a blade of grass and it wiggled its antennae.
I diluted some honey and put a droplet on the tip of a thistle prickle. The bee moved slowly towards the honey and I could see its abdomen start to pump as it started to drink the sweet solution. Enthralled, I sat on the step watching as it supped and its movements became stronger.
Eventually my blip instinct kicked in and I ran indoors for my camera. Just in time as he started to move his wings and move around the plant, a quick sip from the thistle bloom and he took off. Stopping at a few nearby cranesbills he flew away.
I have to admit I did have a wee swelling of joy in my heart and a lump in my throat to see him soar.

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