Carnival in 'Kielegat' (= Breda)

It's Carnival time in The Neth but not celebrated with equal intensity all over the country.  Carnival is usually associated with the provinces of Noord Brabant and Limburg because centuries ago these were the only Catholic areas of the country, the rest of which was strict and sober Calvinist.  (Remember those days when these two 'religions' were supposed to hate each other?  You don't remember?  Good!)  Anyway, this is a plaque on a sidewalk in Breda connected to Carnival.  It has been updated with '2016', as you can see.  Everytime it gets an update, it is pried off the sidewalk and then re-embedded till the next update.  Breda changes its name to 'Kielegat' during Carnival.  As for us, no, we never celebrate it.

Used this as well for the Flickr Weekly Alphabet Challenge:  E for Embedded.

Chatted with some of the Manila folks via FB earlier today.  What a mess.  Some people simply cannot help but cause so much pain.  Aside from the fact that I can't do a thing, it is actually none of my business.  Sometimes I wish I could help and then sometimes I'm glad I can't.

Yesterday, btw, hubby and bro-in-law J had an appointment with the solicitor regarding the by now rather drawn out inheritance case versus the rest of the brood.  The solicitor representing hubby and J wanted to hear their arguments one last time to prepare his speech in court.  He'll be the one doing the talking so he wants to 'internalize' their thoughts and feelings so that he will sound convincing.  1 March is D-Day -- if I understood it right, everyone on both sides has to come.  I wonder how it will all turn out.

Did some housework and shopping for staples.  Now back to correction work.  A little patience, it will be finished soon.

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