
By JanBee

Power from above?

Mark is the music director of a local ladies choir. It was their summer concert last night so he was conducting them (50 or so ladeez!). It's always a fun occasion, it's held in a cavernous local church, tables are arranged cabaret style and the audience bring along their own "picnic" (ie. wine and nibbles).

I took lots of photo's but wasn't really in the best place. It was hard to choose one, but I liked this because of the sign and the fact that Mark looks like he's preaching rather than conducting.....

After the interval some people did a turn. Three of the ladies dressed as flappers performed Don't bring Lulu ... they were fabulous and it was great fun ...
picture here.

Other possibles were:

Lady singing ...and watching Mark (good girl!).

Mark conducting

The choir ... I think they were doing an acapella version of Big Spender here!

Am still a day behind with blip ... and with comments ... out tonight so have a lot of catching up to do!

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