Loch Katrine

Loch Katrine is located in Lake Sumner Forest Park and is reached by following Lake Sumner Road. As the name implies it is a connecting body of water through a northwest channel to Lake Sumner.

It was grey, misty and unpromising at my caravan this morning, and only too easy to stay put. The high country weather forecast was promising though and so we drove the 3 hours up to Lake Taylor, Loch Katrine, and Lake Sumner. We mountain biked the rough stony rutted track from Katrine to Sumner, and then enjoyed our lunch and a swim in the lake. It really was a gorgeous day in the high country! And back home to grey and claggy! So glad to have ventured out.

I've wanted to explore this part of Canterbury for a long time now, and it was very special to have finally reached Lake Sumner and Loch Katrine, and to have seen the Hurunui River. A special day.

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