Bill Rocks

So we finally played in Cambridge, the world famous Portland Arms where proper people play, bands you may even have heard of.

We arrived at about 5 and as it is a permanent venue with a good in house PA they more or less insist that you use their engineer. He was great, sound check was really interesting and very, very loud.  As part of the soundcheck we do each instrument individually then play a song.. One we started I really did not want to stop. However stop we did.

The first act on were Atomised, who unfortunately were playing to a pretty sparse crowd but were very good. Although I've known Andrew for years I'd never seen him perform before, he was great as was his guitarist Greg. I need to see them with a full band though as I bet that will be epic. By the end of their set the place had filled out a bit. Next up was David G who was also really good, bluesy folksy songs with stories although now I have massive guitar envy.

Then we went on, you can read a completely impartial review here ;)

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