Cairo Parquet

The full extent of the water burst in the apartment during the week when Dd was asleep was revealed today. I sourced the fetid smell which had been growing over the last couple of days to the large rugs in the living areas which we haven't been using lately due to the cold. I discovered them to be sodden and stinking and the parquet underneath distorted and risen. I think the water seeped under the parquet running down the passageway for the bathroom twenty metres away and came up from below the wood being soaked up by the rugs. Anyway, the carpets are now rolled and lying on the landing ready for chucking or drying, if they can be salvaged. And all the windows are open to create a through flow of air to dry the place out and assess whether the flooring can be repaired. Nothing will be done before we leave on Sunday. Hopefully, it will be remedied before we return in April . . . wouldn't count on it, though.

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