St. Oswald & St. Edmund Arrowsmith Church

Hurrah, the sun was shining when we woke this morning, blue skies too! After a light breakfast we went out for a walk, not too cold, pleasant in the sun. We picked up the Sunday papers, then walked through town and out the other side, past this church, which I only really noticed properly for the first time last week, as the sun was shining on its beautiful stained glass window.

Alas, this morning, the sun wasn't in the right place, I think it may have been late afternoon when I noticed it last week. Nevertheless, it's a striking building and still looked good in the morning light.

It has a grand name, as per today's journal title. There is also a RC Senior school by the same name, Sir Edmund Arrowsmith, which has a very good reputation.

When we got back home I started to prepare dinner for later today when my sis and BiL are coming for dinner. Slow pot roasted Beef, with French onion gravy, carrots, green beans, asparagus tips and roast potatoes. We did agree no dessert, as we are all trying to be good :-)

BiL replaced our leaking tap, and sorted out one of our cupboard doors, whilst I was finishing dinner. I think it was a success, nothing left on any of the plates, always a good sign ;-) we had a couple of bottles of red with it too. Which finished it all off rather nicely. :-) poor sis was driving :-/

We might have to have some cheese and biscuits a little later, but that's ok by me ;-)

Monday tomorrow, again!!!!

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