There are fairies at the bottom of the garden

And elves chopping wood in the drive!

There is no where so magical to visit as the magical Casa Elf.

the road twists and turns and more and more trees appear and then you spot the elf Mobile .... And you know you are there.

S the Good Elf; was working hard doing elf-like things in the garden; surrounded as good elves are by many trees and branches.

M the crazy mad mental elf, with a bruised bum and elbow met us at the door; those of us who didn't know were equipped with elf slippers. I knew. I had furry feet. lIke a hobbit.

The 2/5 of the crazy gang arrived; one of us was less than 100% and a day laying back being loved was necessary.

The three of us sat and gabbed from beginning to end; with poor M running back and forward looking after us with delishissness and displays of the sore bum and elbow and contributing from the kitchen with giggles and comments!

The kids were busy, keeping us toasty and Casa Elf blinded us with its utter divineness.

Never was there a place so obviously inhabited by elves.

The highlight for us all was the presentation of the new loo. The new loo is as perfect a loo as a loo can be. Handcrafted with love and a great deal of elf-ability.

It was so grand we all took a turn to avail ourselves of its beauty!

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