step away from the bread

A little tinker appeared in our room around 1am, with his bottle of water. He was escorted back to his room where he shouted at me and refused to settle for over an hour!

daddy went shooting, after we had kindly given him his lie in. Wom went back to sleep, munchie played nursery, where each child that was there needed their parents ringing because they were poorly and each reveiw talked about how well they used thier listening ears.

Daddy home and off we toddled to the park. We both felt bad as we think this is the first time that Wom has walked to the park and properly played on the slide etc and he LOVED it.

Home for roast chicken dinner - slightly later than planned as I had not relaised that the reduced chicken I picked up on the way to the park was a stuffed one. It was yummy.

Five more days at work before a week off. Got lots of nice things in the pipeline for half term.

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