Soggy Sunday

It started off ok as did yesterday, then the low kicks in. I really need to get out and about over the weekend, but that's when the confidence thing kicks in, still don't want to push my luck with weather conditions being so unpredictable. Doing a little on the garden would help if it was dry, so want to do something with the patch of garden I blipped yesterday, I started on it last year, putting down bedding plants, would do between 3 to 4hrs a week just on that part, was so pleased with it, then post op complications crept up on me and it all fell by the wayside
It's been a mixed bag of weather here today, starry sky last night so expected it to be frosty, but no frost, even sat out on the naughty step for a little while and listened to the sounds of the birds waking during the twilight.
I heard a rook, let out such a beautiful but mournful song, I've heard this a few times before, really tugs at your heartstrings.
Hope you are all safe and have had a good day

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