Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Hat thief

Our first full day back in San Diego was spent largely at home.  We did manage to watch 'Inside Out' in a single sitting and venture out to the Farmer's Market around lunchtime but other than that we allowed the kids to reacquaint themselves with their toys.  For the most part they played well together but they still tend to grab each other's toys from time to time.  Sharing is not particularly good in this house, yet.

Having just turned one, the little lady tends to escape our wrath but the wee man isn't as fortunate.  We've tried everything to get him to share but he insists on pushing his sister away whenever she's interested in playing with him and his toys, which is most of the time.

With the exception of the little lady, who returning like a love-struck puppy, patience is running a little thin in this household.

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