At the top of Far Easdale near Grasmere.

Not a day to be on the Fells really. Cold and gusty in Grasmere before we started didn't get any better as we made our way up Far Easedale towards the col. We were intending to walk along the ridge from there to Helm Crag and so back into Grasmere.

We made it to within a few hundred metres of Helm Crag in failing light when the rain came down in torrents so we abandoned the final push to the summit and took the path down to Helmside and a lane that took us splashingly back to Grasmere.

This was not the best of walks to do. It may be fine in good weather when the ground is drier but today the whole route, valley and ridge, was awash with water and bog and the winds were phenomenal. At one point both our wooly hats were blown off and sent scuttling away across the bog. We managed to retrieve them though.

We couldn't have been more glad to get to the lane and even more pleased to reach the car, by which time it was almost dark.

We had an excellent evening with friends Alan and Irene and John as a reward for our exertions today. A great end to the day.

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