Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another new toy

Archie and I popped over to visit Uncle A when the sun eventually came out about mid morning. Just as well we did, as he had some rather exciting news. Not a new chair this time, but a new car! He has been thinking about this for a while, (though his other car was still fairly new and had only gone a few thousand miles) so it wasn't a complete surprise. Same kind, but blue. And it's eco-turbo-super-boosted. Or something.

By the way, that's not a Russian numberplate - it's my attempt at disguising it to deter paparazzi. Archie wouldn't look at the camera. He was keeping his eyes on a perfectly innocent man who was collecting something from his car and generally minding his own business. Archie thought he looked suspicious.

Archie and I had a whirl in it and Uncle A brought us home, and it certainly smells new. He will be planning longer trips to visit relatives in it when the spring comes.

I usually give Archie a big walk on the way home from Uncle A's, but I knew JR was meeting a colleague at Summerhall for lunch, and she was intending taking him if it wasn't raining. Besides, I wanted to get back early enough to go swimming about 1pm, which seems to be the best (least busy) time.

And yes, the pool was almost empty. I had a lane to myself, did my 20 lengths and a few frantic vertical dog paddles, and home again for a coffee and a well earned slonk.

I'm reading 'Go Set a Watchman' the follow up to 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'. Not as enjoyable, I must say. In fact, I'll probably just have a snooze...

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