The B Side

I took a morning walk in our local nature preserve...hoping that the black flies had lived out their terrible existence. They haven't. They buzz your noggin, and you flail at your head like one of the 3 stooges...knowing that you can't hit them. But...if you don't swing at them...they bite. Annoying.

I was in search of me some squirrel. I had decided if I could shoot one...that the squirrel extravaganza would continue. It would be 3 squirrel Blip days in a row. 150 wooded acres...and not 1 squirrel sighting. With a heavy heart, and my head gently bowed...Squirrelapalooza is laid to rest. Perhaps I'll try again next year. I'm thinking about petitioning the state congress to make the 2nd week in July... Squirrel Appreciation Week. (It could happen.)

I did get some nice butterflies and dragons. I put a few more shots on my flickr page. I did see one of those hummer moths, but couldn't get a good shot.

A lovely day here, and a nice walk. Nothing quite like silence. It really is golden. Bee might look better in LARGE.

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