Capital adventures

By marchmont

If it's Tuesday ....

it must be Newcastle. And so it was. I was going to take the camera and get a blip of the Olympic rings on the Tyne Bridge - maybe next week, when I'm back.

I swam this morning and then discovered I have to wait for M's approval to pay off the flat - SO annoying.

The train south (from Aberdeen) was very busy. It was raining in Newcastle, now there's a surprise.

A meeting, then straight back again on another train. there was frustrating news from our partners though - steam out my ears.

As I got to the flat I met up with T from next door. His boots were thick with mud. He returned my book, 'Marchmont'. You can see my street, as it was, in the bottom picture.

Amber warning for more rain. Tonight I am sitting with the fire on - and it's nearly mid July.

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