The 'Queen Wilhelmina' Windmill, Dongen

After a smattering of odds and ends at home, I finally decided to hit the road.  First stop was Dongen, what I call a C location (A = home, B = work, C = neither of the two and therefore out of the way), and so quite a detour, but I wanted to take advantage of the narrow window of reasonably good weather.  The winds have been force 9 to 10 the whole day, even with the sun out.  I was hoping the windmill vanes would be turning as it would have been quite a sight to see with a force 10 wind, but no such luck.  I guess the owner decided there was no reason to risk unnecessary damage to the vanes.  As you can see, this was shot at close quarters.  There was simply no room for a wider shot without anything in the way, or else I would have had to trespass in someone's front yard, which of course I'd rather not do.

About 10 minutes after I left Dongen, it began to drizzle, then shower, then rain.  Drove to Rotterdam to work, even though it is my free Monday.  I figured that even an hour's worth of effort behind my desk will ease the pressure for tomorrow and the rest of the week.  Semester 2 has begun and so I say, 'Let's get on with it and get it done.'  That said, I will take every centimeter of free time I can get.

Because of Carnival, hubby didn't have any bridge tonight and there won't be any tomorrow either.  I'm glad whenever he's home in this kind of weather.

Thank you for dropping by and leaving your comments and stars.  They are hugely appreciated although I may not always show it.  You have been very kind and patient these past weeks.  Btw ... regards from hubby, too.

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