
By Carey20August

Day 037 Max Sleeping Off an Exciting Evening

My grandson Max quite likes being awake during the evening and into the night. He came to stay with me for the weekend to give his parents a chance to sleep through a couple of nights.

He is also prone to epilepsy.  I was worried about how I would cope if he had a seizure, not that he would... When I carried him in from the car he didn't look right so I Facetimed his parents who confirmed a seizure.  ARGH!

I gave him his emergency medicine and rang 999. From the first responder, the ambulance men, all the people in A&E and finally on the ward, the staff all worked fast but were calm and totally focussed on helping Max. I was so impressed by the care and kindness shown to both of us. The NHS rocks!

We slept the night in hospital and Max was pronounced well enough the following afternoon to go home with his Mum and twin sister. 
All is well now , even though Mum and Dad didn't get their peaceful nights off.

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