Olney Pancake Race

I’ve lived in this area for 45 years and have never been to see the famous Olney Pancake Race….. until today. This shot is one of the children’s races which take place before the main ladies race. In the extras I’ve added a shot from the main race. If you think you can see a man taking part in this all ladies race you would be correct. The man is one of the Blue Peter presenters and for reasons of gender couldn't win however fast he ran.

The Pancake Race tradition dates back more than 500 years to 1445. A woman engrossed in using up cooking fats (forbidden during Lent) was making pancakes. Hearing the church bells ring calling everyone to the shriving service, she grabbed her head scarf (required in church) and ran to the church, skillet and pancake in hand and still apron-clad. In following years, neighbours got into the act and it became a race to see who could reach the church first and collect a "Kiss of Peace" from the verger (bell-ringer).

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