Coffee and cake at the Elephant House

I had to get up really early this morning to get the 6.11am bus, as I had an early doctor's appointment in Edinburgh. I arrived late for the appointment, but they were quite understanding as I explained I came all the way from Anstruther and 6.11am was the earliest bus I could get.

After my appointment I decided to treat myself to coffee and cake, as I deserved it. So, I went to the Elephant House in Edinburgh, allegedly the birth place of the Harry Potter books, and I had a lovely honey cake and a cappuccino. I felt much better after that.

I had taken my big camera but the weather was rubbish in Edinburgh, so I didn't take any photos there. I went into town for a bit of retail therapy and then I popped into my old flat to collect my mail and have a chat with my friend who lives there now. 

I decided to leave early because I needed to go to St Andrews to hand back the copy of my keys to the agency (I locked myself out the other day...). I arrived to find the agency locked as they were in a meeting, so I just put the keys through the letter box as I couldn't be bothered going back the next day. It was also a bit too late for photography as I had missed the sunset. However, I managed to take some photos in St Andrews. Surprisingly enough, though, my favourite photo was the one I took with my mobile phone at the cafe in Edinburgh...

Managed to get a bit lost trying to find the bus station in St Andrews but I finally managed to get home. Feeling exhausted after all that walking...

...but tomorrow I'm gonna have a well deserved long lie in bed!!! Yay! :)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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