Firing Rainbows

The morning started off calm and sunny but by lunchtime, the showers came in.  A fairly dry evening. 

I've had a busy day in the museum office.  Just my usual, scanning old photos and updating the photo archive.  Also had plenty of orders to work with and send to the printers.  My lunchtime walk was shortened again today, due to the rain but I still managed to get out and about.  This evening I was invited to the Cunningsburgh History Group to do a photo show of the old photos from our collection in the photo archive.  It had also been the AGM and therefore a good turn out of folk and they enjoyed all the photos too.  A quick walk with Sammy and then I can get my feet up for the night and thankfully no pub tonight, but I will have to work Thursday night instead. 

When I headed out this morning to the Camera Centre, it was a fine morning for a walk along the street and plenty of folk to chat with along the way.  On my way back, there was showers in the distance and then a rainbow appeared.  As I walk along the street, the Fort Charlotte cannons  popped up and they looked like they were firing rainbows, if only this was world over, rainbows are better than bombs :)  Taken below Fort Charlotte, Commercial Street, Lerwick. 

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