
By Artminx


I make great pancakes. My dad taught me, he was a chef. Light n thin and tasty. 

Mia wanted shop bought ones though. She came home from school and requested, nicely, shop bought pancakes. I wanted to sob. Though it would solve the issue of me having to resist eating the entire batch myself, they are far too carby for me at the moment sadly. 

A trip to the supermarket and I came across some coconut flour which made me think I COULD make my pancakes AND eat them. I found a recipe, grabbed a dozen eggs (coconut flour NEEDS ALL the eggs), almond milk and a pack of 8 'classic pancakes' for Mia. Then headed home.

What my lovely daughter failed to explain to me was that she actually wanted scotch pancakes. Thankfully she rather enjoyed the classic option, once I had added blueberries and ice cream. 

My low carb (3.5g net carbs each) pancakes were a tad more... interesting. Light and fluffy, which is a miracle, with an eggy coconut taste. But the added lemon juice and fresh blueberries made them acceptable for a Shrove Tuesday treat.

When heading out for Guides Mia asked me what I would be giving up for a lent. My reply came quick. Low carb pancakes.


(The pancakes were lovely, I just struggle with so many blooming eggs)

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