
By photosbyjon

Day 40 of 366 - Hill Top!

The image today was taken early this evening in Coventry City Centre. It is a view looking up a cobbled lane in the Cathedral quarter called Hill Top. The Spire that can be seen in in the background belongs to the Grade I listed Holy Trinity Church.

The photo was taken using the App VividHDR on my iPhone 6.

First I used the app Snapseed to straighten the image. I then used some selective editing to lower the glare of the lamps. Next I applied the Tonal Contrast filter along with a small vignette. I then used the app ShockMyPic to give the image a slight painterly look. Next I used DistressedFX to add the birds using the Trio birds overlay and the Bliss texture. I then flattened the image and added the Lily overlay and the Lade texture. Finally I used PhotoToaster to add the Recover Highlights preset, the Drama FX, the Canvas texture and the Charcoal frame.

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