Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Same Warbler

Okay, this is just silly I know...but today i got a really good photo of that Townsend's Warbler.  He was pretty close to me, so the detail in his feathers show off so nicely in this image.  It was such a pretty day, but I wasn't able to take full advantage of it because I went to the eye doctor this morning and because I had my eyes dilated, it was very, very bright outside.  Later in the afternoon, after they'd returned to normal I did take a quick walk around the block.  Bill worked yesterday and today for part of the day, so he wasn't up for a walk as he'd put in enough exercise.  He is looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  

Sorry it's the same bird, but this is the best image I have ever taken of this little bird. I'll try to find something different from now on.

Three more in Extras...a junco, a nandina bush glowing in the sunlight and this warbler, making an exit. 

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