Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


My title could very well refer to Inca's expression in this photo or possibly to what it feels like many of us have right now: SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). It is so draining to wake up to the same cloud and the same rain day in day out in July when we are supposed to have sunshine. I don't even think I can remember what it is!

I have just realised that Inca looks sad in quite a few of my photos. It makes me look like I'm a bad person, but I can assure you I am not! Maybe it is because she is sick of so many photos?! Mum bought her a new bed today, and I don't know about Inca but I think it's great. She is currently curled up in a ball on it sound asleep looking very, very cute. Maybe this is the end of Inca creeping up to my room to sleep on my bed...I am hoping so!

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