Little Lamb Lost...and Found

When I arrived back at my abode after Monday night's practice, I heard a lamb baaing from across the Calapooya. I hear them all the time, but this one sounded closer, and definitely in distress. I called Victor, the rancher, and told him about it. He rode down on a four-wheeler and rescued the little guy. But when I got up the next morning, I heard it again. I walked down to the creek, and sure enough, I located him (you can barely see it in the brush in this picture). He evidently had fallen down the cutbank where the water had eroded under the fence. I called Victor one more time, and a half hour later, the hungry, muddy little guy was reunited with his mom. In this picture, one of his flock mates has come to check him out. Lambs are cute, but not the smartest animals on the planet. 

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