Now is all you have

By AgnesSkula

Self portrait.

Not my favorite subject, but I'm learning. My daughters are very good in shooting self portraits, we sometimes "talk" together through snapchat. They send my various looks, they can be happy, sad, surprised, frustrated and many more and they insist I answer in the same way. I'm not good at it, but I'm getting better. This is my serious look......... or is it the poker face?..........I don't know..........practice, practice, practice..........right?
Im taking part in a February photography challenge the project of the day is self portrait :)

1. Your view today
2. words
3. hands
4. a stranger
5. 10 am
6. dinner
7. button
8. sun
9 .front door
10. self portrait
11. makes you happy
12. inside your closet
13. blue 
14. heart
15. phone
16.something new
17. time
18. drink
19. something you hate to do
20. handwriting
21. a fave book of you
22. where you work
23. your shoes
24. inside your bathroom cabinet
25. green
26. night
27. something you ate
28. money
29. something you're listening to 

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